2012 mustang shelby super snake

2012 mustang shelby super snake. 2012 mustang shelby super
  • 2012 mustang shelby super

  • 11thIndian
    Apr 9, 02:32 PM
    11thindian, do you still think it's only professionals that I know?

    Of course not. The proliferation of people who say that they have migrated to another platform indicates that for varying reasons, be they technical, workflow, or otherwise... some have left FCP. There are reasons to do that. I would just rather people state personal experience for what it is; rather than paint broad, unsubstantiated remarks like, "Apple is bleeding market share to Premier!". State what's happening for you in your neck of the woods. That's educational for everyone, rather than being combative.

    Heck, my first 4 years in NLE was on AVID. Why did I switch? Primarily because that's where my market was going. I couldn't stick with FCP if all my clients decided they were going to make a switch to another platform now.

    My biggest confustion is with people already labelling this iMovePro. There's no solid evidence of this. Apple hasn't let the product lay fallow, they've recovered from an internal crossed wires as to platform direction in which resulted in a modest update with FCS3, but have been working on a complete rewrite.

    If Apple were just delivering a reheated 64bit FCP7 that could play DSLR footage natively, THEN I'd be worried! But by all accounts they've rewritten from scratch, and completely rethought the product, the goals, the interface. That takes a lot more time and effort.

    Until the cat is out of the bag, I prefer to be more interested than worried.

    2012 mustang shelby super snake. 2012 mustang shelby super
  • 2012 mustang shelby super

  • rdowns
    Apr 27, 04:41 PM

    Link (http://motherjones.com/politics/2011/03/franklin-graham-obama-muslim-brotherhood-conspiracy-theory)

    The evangelical son of one of America's most famous evangelists says that President Barack Obama has allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to become part of the US government and influence administration decisions.

    In an interview last week with Newsmax.com, a conservative website (that pushes the Obama-was-born-in-Kenya conspiracy theory), [see clarification at the end of the article] Franklin Graham, an evangelist like his father, Billy Graham, claimed that the fundamentalist Islamic political group has burrowed into the Obama administration and is shaping US foreign policy. Sounding a bit like Glenn Beck, Graham explained:

    The Muslim Brotherhood is very strong and active in our country. It's infiltrated every level of our government. Right now we have many of these people that are advising the US military and State Department on how to respond in the Middle East, and it's like asking a fox, like a farmer asking a fox, "How do I protect my henhouse from foxes?" We've brought in Muslims to tell us how to make policy toward Muslim countries. And many of these people we've brought in, I'm afraid, are under the Muslim Brotherhood.

    2012 mustang shelby super snake. 800-HP 2012 Ford Shelby Super
  • 800-HP 2012 Ford Shelby Super

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 6, 03:14 PM
    I'm not joking when I say this - I held off buying a Macbook for years purely because I didn't want to be associated with these hardcore Apple fanboys who live under Steve Job's bed. It's quite sickening.

    Interesting, don't I remember you as the guy always trashing on Apple on Digg? (I gave up on Digg a couple of years ago, but I remember your shtick.)

    I love Apple products,

    Whoa, epic conversion!!! :)

    It's absolutely amazing how easily people can be brainwashed.

    Google seems to have done a pretty good job of it with you. See, fanboyism is a two-way street.

    2012 mustang shelby super snake. Silver with. 2005
  • Silver with. 2005

  • zacman
    Apr 6, 04:01 PM
    Market share isn't everything.

    I'm sure you'll be the first to dance happy around when in the future finally some 5 year old Android apps/games will get ported to iOS like it is now with Windows/MacOS.

    2012 mustang shelby super snake. Shelby Super Snake boosts Ford
  • Shelby Super Snake boosts Ford

  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 14, 03:40 PM
    512MB RAM on low-end and an X1800 Pro on high-end. I must admit, I'm a little disappointed if this is true.

    EDIT: MacRumors lists as X1800 Pro, AppleInsider says X1800 GTO.

    2012 mustang shelby super snake. 2012 Shelby GT500 Super Snake
  • 2012 Shelby GT500 Super Snake

  • [G5]Hydra
    Jul 15, 04:23 PM
    Early Blu-Ray burners can't read or write CDs, and are slow at DVDs. Maybe we'll see a Blu-Ray burner and a high-speed DVD�R(W)/CD-R(W).

    Exactly right. Apple seems cozy with Pioneer, they did debut the original Superdrive in a PowerMac remember, and Pioneer's BDR-101A Blu-ray burner can't read or write CDs. Dual opticals would have nothing to do with Apple wanting to make people copy discs or doing anything made simple with two opticals. Pioneer debuted the BDR-101A (http://www.pcworld.com/reviews/article/0,aid,125581,00.asp) a few months ago at $1000 retail and if Apple gets a nice discount to use them they would need to go with an additional drive to be able to do CD's.

    -Jerry C.

    2012 mustang shelby super snake. Click here to read 2012 Shelby
  • Click here to read 2012 Shelby

  • Luis Ortega
    Apr 6, 02:59 PM
    Really? Are sales numbers what dictates one product is better than the other?

    I'm not saying the Xoom is better (I haven't used one) but a reading of the posts on this thread would suggest that sales number indicate that one product is better than the other.

    In that case, Windows is obviously the best OS on the planet, by a magnitude of 10.

    2012 mustang shelby super snake. The 2012 Shelby GT500 Super
  • The 2012 Shelby GT500 Super

  • hyperpasta
    Aug 5, 04:50 PM
    I'd be willing to bet that there will be at least two major surprises on Monday, one to do with some fab capability in Leopard that Apple has succeeded in keeping us in the dark about, and one fab piece of consumer hardware. By the second, I don't mean something we all expect like Mac Pros or Meroms in the MBPs. I mean something radical. Something that will make some real headlines.

    They can't do things according to their old schedules now that they are on with Intel. Get used to new patterns. Apple is coming out of the shadows now, with sales and mindshare building at a strong pace. Waiting until January to annouce big new consumer pushes because WWDC is for developers won't do anymore. Welcome to the new Apple.

    Think big. It's okay. Apple won't disappoint.

    I will remember you said that when the announcements are dissapointing :)

    Maybe they will and maybe they won't. But in the mean time, it's best to be conservative and hope we might be surprised.

    2012 mustang shelby super snake. St0/2012-Ford-Shelby-Mustang-
  • St0/2012-Ford-Shelby-Mustang-

  • ugp
    Jun 22, 12:23 PM
    I am in Inverness, FL.

    I have 3 stores in my County and only 2 of them received phones. The store I reserved mine at did not get any. But they issued the most PINs.

    Citrus County and North is my District area.

    As I am not an employee there anymore I cannot check stock myself.
    I will see if my buddy can pull a Regional View and Print it out.

    The Region (Region 2) is getting 139. Every District is getting phones. Lowests being 4 and the highest being 29.

    ALSO Note, This is what Stores are receiving right now. There is no word until tonight if more will be coming in tomorrow. I will keep you all posted.
    The Region consists of all of Florida and Georgia.

    2012 mustang shelby super snake. 2012 Shelby Super Snake Rear
  • 2012 Shelby Super Snake Rear

  • dernhelm
    Aug 7, 03:48 PM
    Hey nice to see osx will have system restore =D

    YOU MUST BE KIDDING. Have you actually used System Restore to restore a single file? Oh that's right, you can't. All you can do it reset your system back to a point where the file existed.

    This is MUCH more powerful, and more like something users would actually want.

    System Restore is great for those times when you want to apply a system patch that could be iffy, and you are willing to "snap" a restore point, apply the patch, and roll back if something didn't fly.

    But for the normal user, it is much more useless.

    2012 mustang shelby super snake. 2012 Shelby Super Snake Front
  • 2012 Shelby Super Snake Front

  • Chip NoVaMac
    Apr 7, 11:38 PM
    After reading more of the responses working retail I might be able to shed on some light as to why BB might hold back on selling what they have on hand.

    As one poster mentioned BB store managers have a quota or sales goal to make each day it seems. The sad fact is that when hot products enter the market they can skew your sales data for that day, week, or month. So taking and throttling sales to make ones sales goal can help out the following year.

    Sadly sometimes you get corporate HQ that is just focused in on gains over LY, never mind that hot product that was blowing off the shelves was the reason for it. In particular for a publicly traded company that has shareholders to answer to.

    As an example; lets say the local BB store got a 100 iPad 2 64GB 3G's in this morning. That is about $83K in sales. And lets say they average sales without the iPad 2 for the same day LY was $500K. Next year that manager would be looking at needing a $583K to make his goal.

    Bean counters at the corporate level don't care one red cent about any hot item that caused the spike. Nor do shareholders of public companies. I personally have seen in the past when the store I worked for made it goal for the day, hold back on processing an order till the next day to give us a jump on the next days sales. But NEVER to the point that customers with money in hand were denied buying the product right then and there.

    And that is where I think BB is getting in trouble with Apple right now....

    2012 mustang shelby super snake. Super Snake
  • Super Snake

  • citizenzen
    Apr 27, 08:51 AM
    If I were a birther, I'd wonder why it took him so long to forge ... I mean produce this document. ;)

    Did I cross the the line of being a racist?

    I don't think anybody suggested you were racist for doing that.

    2012 mustang shelby super snake. The 2012 Super Snake will be
  • The 2012 Super Snake will be

  • janmc
    Aug 5, 08:13 PM
    To me the answer to the whole IR/Mac Pro/Front Row thing is obvious - put an integrated IR receiver into the keyboard. The keyboard would come with the Mac Pro (unlike the display) and is rarely under the desk. :)

    Plus they could sell the keyboard for any Mac (including ones that don't have Front Row - they could include the app with it).

    Are you listening Apple? Maybe you should patent that one quick ;)

    2012 mustang shelby super snake. of the Shelby Super Snake,
  • of the Shelby Super Snake,

  • dclocke
    Sep 19, 09:41 AM
    I don't know how many times we have to go round and round with this here. I've been on MacRumors since '01 and it's always the same-old, same-old. It's not legitimate. It's "I-wantism." You have no basis to believe that a Rev B would be more "stabled and refined." That's a hope, backed by nothing -- and nothing Apple ever comments on, either. The bottom line is that you can hope if you want, and you can wait if you want, but to bash Apple for being slow on the trigger, and to make the argument that Meroms are amazing and Yonahs are crap is, frankly, horse manure. Like I said, 64 bit is pretty irrelevant for most users, and the speed and battery differences are quite negligible. And the argument that Apple is losing tons of sales to PC manufactuers is, frankly, laughable too.

    Well, I've been on MacRumors since last week and I'm already tired of posts telling me what I really need. I don't recall seeing posts saying Yonah was crap. Most people just want to feel like they are making a good investment on an expensive piece of equipment that may be around for 3-4+ years. I would like a laptop with a 64-bit processor. Period. I don't care what you think I need. The problem with posts like this are that they waste my time, and the time of other users who are looking for information on the release of the new MBP models.

    Edit: I should add, however, that if anyone is willing to donate the money for me to purchase a new MBP, I will gladly accept all advice on said purchase.

    2012 mustang shelby super snake. 2012 Shelby Mustang Gt500
  • 2012 Shelby Mustang Gt500

  • Rodimus Prime
    Feb 28, 09:12 PM
    Very sorry.
    I have dyslexia, so I read sentences in my head, not words. When the words fit, my brain just makes that model of what it thinks the text said.
    Sorry for getting mad. :o

    I have dyslexia as well. Word of advise. When ever something gets you all mad like that always and I repeat ALWAYS re read it a few times before posting. I have caught myself a few times. Not that it always works.

    I was about to say something but saw another posted did.

    what it does show is that the brain is wired a certain way. I personally believe homosexallity is both a choice and genetic.

    We all fall on a scale that goes from complete homosexaul to straight. Now majority of people are much closer to the straight side and all clustered over there. Then people who are spread out across the all the way to the other end. I do not know how many fall in the bi range compared to complete homosexual cluster.

    What this means is some people are much more predisposed to be homosexual than others.
    I will repeat there is nothing wrong with it and I have said before they should have the right be married. We have little control over who we are attracted to. We can over ride it somewhat but only to a point. Mostly it feel we take the predisposition and induld it and we go that way.

    2012 mustang shelby super snake. Shelby+mustang+super+snake
  • Shelby+mustang+super+snake

  • IceMacMac
    Apr 7, 04:38 AM
    Everything depends on your work and needs right? For me...I'm short format and tweak every frame.

    In terms of full disclosure I own FCP 4 suite and CS 5 master suite and own all the major Apple products (hardware and software). I also run Windows 7 in bootcamp.

    Short format work is all about After Effects. Motion is 5 years behind and offers an incomplete feature set in comparison. After Effects marries up well with the tools from big 3d players, like Maxon and C4D. Its a great pipeline.

    I'll watch with interest the announcements next week, but the release of an "iMovie Pro" won't interest me...and it seems like that's where Apple is headed. They now are fixated on Consumers Lite and Consumers Plus.

    Apple is also doing everything to push me away from it's platform, with it's anti-Flash crusade, and it's complete inability to support Any (I mean ANY of the top 5-7) professional GPUs.

    For the serious Pro Apple is living on borrowed time and the Steve Jobs reality-distortion field is weakening. Redmond is calling. Increasingly serious content professionals are listening. I never imagined these words coming from my mouth. But it's the truth.

    2012 mustang shelby super snake. 2012 Shelby GT500 Super Snake
  • 2012 Shelby GT500 Super Snake

  • LegendKillerUK
    Apr 11, 01:01 PM
    I don't understand - you can't "add" 3GS, because 3GS is not a data network. 2G and 3G is� the S in the iPhone 3Gs simply stood for "speed", because it was faster than the iPhone 3G.

    "the 3GS also adds support for 7.2 Mbit/s HSDPA allowing faster downlink speeds"


    Technically he's right.

    2012 mustang shelby super snake. 2012 Shelby Super Snake
  • 2012 Shelby Super Snake

  • igator210
    Apr 27, 09:04 AM
    The principle of any and every cell phone is that if can connect to a cellular network signal, it knows where you are. Based upon every unique cellular ID, the networks know how to route incoming calls and texts to you, If it didn't how that. how the h#!! do you think you'd get any calls? Right now, sitting at my desk, Verizon knows exactly where I am (based upon triangulation of the nearest cell towers. They have my unique cell ID and my account information. My dumb phone even has a gps 911 locator on it. I dial 911, they know where I am.

    Side story: the credit card companies know exactly where I am better then the cell companies. Every time I swipe my credit or debit card, they know where I am. When I travel for vacation, I am very likely to get a call from my credit card company (on my cell) asking where, when and how long I will be traveling. They know every store and every purchase I've ever made on a credit card.

    2012 mustang shelby super snake. 2012 Shelby GT500 Super Snake
  • 2012 Shelby GT500 Super Snake

  • ugp
    Jun 23, 05:13 PM
    I confirmed today that my store will not have any for release day tomorrow, i got the district managers phone number and left a message about wanting my 184 dollar gift card put on my debit card instead due to false advertising that they would be doing Pre-orders instead of reservations which led me to believe that i would get a phone on release day, as a result i am forced to go camp out at the apple store overnight in 91 degree heat in a few hours with my fingers crossed that i get one. All of this could have been avoided if they didn't post on their twitter on June 9th that they were taking part in release day.

    Good luck with that one as that is not going to happen. They did not advertise Pre-Orders. They said reserves only. They told no money from you nor did they hold credit card information on file like Apple does.

    Apr 25, 01:37 PM
    They cant lose this surely?

    Even Android stores your location in the exact same way iOS does.

    What are you talking about? This is Apple. When they do something wrong, it's ten times worse than if one of their competitors had done it!

    Mar 25, 10:39 PM
    Since the release of Leopard, the subsequent releases haven't had the wow factor of before.

    Just what I think anyway.

    Um, there's only been one release since leopard. Too soon to know if Lion will wow or not.

    Dec 1, 09:41 AM
    I'm enjoying the game so far, any racing wheel will make this game/simulator boss. I'm not into racing games so I skipped alot of them but I decided to buy a racing wheel & GT5 and its been great.

    I didn't come into this game expecting true to life graphics but I knew the gameplay would be as close to reality as they could get and I'm not disappointed. My only gripe about this this game/simulator(cause I can't really class this as a game) is its made for hardcore car nuts and I really can't fault it for going AFTER ITS TARGET AUDIENCE(I'm completely loss trying to purchase parts to mod my car)

    This game/simulator is the real bang for the buck...I haven't touch online/kart/Nascar yet and I'm enjoying the s*** out of it.

    Poly simply went after their target audience and from what I'm hearing its still on point.


    Jun 12, 07:31 AM
    Been skimming over 4 pages here so
    forgive me if this has been answered...

    The only way this Radio Shack deal seems
    to work well is if I can walk in the store,
    hand them my 3GS phone and get immediate
    credit towards an iPhone 4.

    If I have to mail my 3GS back to RS and
    then wait for a gift card to arrive in the
    mail and then go to the store and buy the
    iPhone 4 it is just not worth it.

    So, the question is, can I simply go to
    my Radio Shack store, hand them my
    3GS and get immediate store credit on
    the new iPhone?

    Apr 27, 09:09 AM
    Good enough for me.


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