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  • arkitect
    Apr 15, 02:38 AM
    iniquitous obnoxious gays and lesbians.

    Well, hell's bells, Mr CaoCao, tell us how you really feel about us.

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  • celticpride678
    Dec 18, 01:37 PM
    The iPod touch probably has iOS 4.1, which can be jailbroken using limera1n. If you'd like to update to iOS 4.2, you can, but your jailbreak will be tethered.

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  • Nameci
    Apr 16, 05:49 AM
    yes, probably. Since I was already on 10.5.8 before I installed CHUD. Uninstall it thru the remover that it came with, and reinstall after your update to 10.5.8. It is better if you download the 10.5.8 combo that update it using the Apple Software Updater.

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  • bizzle
    Oct 7, 02:45 PM


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  • thejadedmonkey
    Nov 11, 09:47 AM
    He said soon, about a year ago. Early next year, coming from him, could mean anytime before june... :\

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  • dscuber9000
    Apr 25, 10:46 AM
    I still think the white one is ugly as hell, but whatever.


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  • tadad1
    Jul 10, 09:03 PM
    No it will only transmit to one headset at a time.

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  • xi mezmerize ix
    Oct 9, 07:28 AM
    I have ten that rotate every minute:


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  • Dreamer2go
    Apr 7, 08:58 AM
    Sorry... they don't sit in a room and strategize on how to mess with Jail Breakers. Sorry... they don't. They are just trying to address some bugs in the current release and that's a good thing.

    Yes... it will probably break the JB... but that is your risk and your decision to JB. So, yes... my original post stands.

    LOL that's such an immature comment from yourself.
    Of COURSE they are trying to patch up the Jailbreak holes found by the JB community....
    Sure they have bug fixes, but rarely will they go "to fix a security hole that allows users to jailbreak"

    so no, it's not "PROBABLY" break the JB.... is: it WILL.
    He was stating a fact.

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  • espoo
    Dec 10, 02:32 PM
    classic :cool:


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  • cytoxyn
    Oct 9, 04:09 PM
    just pinch in/out on the map to search a certain radius.

    i know but i want a default larger area to cover since i live in a rural area

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  • Apple Corps
    Mar 23, 04:19 PM
    And if you pursue environments and things you love you probably have a better chance of being "massively successful".


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  • iPhone1
    Oct 3, 08:32 AM
    Could you post a link to the original? I really like that.


    Here you go!

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  • JackT06
    Aug 29, 03:36 PM
    Does anybody know of any FREE software which i can record my podcast's. I currently use Audacity but im not getting on with it. Im after one where i can line up the songs ready so i click button and it plays click another and records from mic.



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  • inkswamp
    Apr 1, 08:29 PM
    I don't think that barmann was making a case against a new technology that didn't fit the old ways like when mice were first introduced.

    Sounded like it to me. May not have been the gist, but unwittingly, he was making that argument.

    His point was that as much as iPad fanboys want it to be the coolist thing ever that will replace all those old-fashioned computers there are differences in machines between consumer ones and those used by professionals.

    This is the exact argument made against the mouse and GUI. Exact. Mouse and GUI-based machines were scoffed at by geeks back in the 80s as "toys." That's the same rhetoric I'm hearing now about the iPad and touch-based devices. "It won't do for real work done by professionals." "It's fun but I can't get things done on it." That may be true for some lines of work at this stage, but it's going to change fast so declaring it useless or a plaything at this stage is shortsighted.

    And BTW, nobody is saying the iPad will replace computers. Just like the mouse and GUI, this approach is going to continue evolving until ways are found for it to enhance computers and become an essential part of it. But it's insane for people to write off touch-based tablets as fanboy cheerleading

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  • xIGmanIx
    Apr 10, 09:47 AM
    They are not bugs, they are features and if you complain your a troll haha
    They won't have any bug fixes.
    That's too funny!


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  • ranviper
    Feb 1, 01:22 PM
    LIIINNNNKKKK!!!!? Badass wallpaper, man.

    Haha, I know i love it. Heres the link. Enjoy :D

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  • menziep
    Mar 23, 11:44 AM
    Are GPUs Supported By SETi or Folding

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  • twoodcc
    Oct 31, 09:18 AM
    well it looks like i'll have to go check these out when i get a chance

    Apr 30, 09:06 AM
    Google Shopper (

    Apr 13, 12:16 PM
    What percentage of iPhone users are on Verizon (world wide)? Serious question, because I don't see how Verizon getting the iPhone 4 has anything to do with an iPhone 5 release date. I really doubt 4g will be coming with the next iPhone. Everyone seems to think Verizon and its customers have some sort of power over apple. Wasn't an issue for the rest of the world and all the carriers and customers that got iPhones mid-cycle between the 3GS and 4.

    Agreed, Apple marches to it' s own beat.

    They will however IMO make any new iphones with dual chips and (hopefully) more memory.

    Still like my iphone 3GS and have the luxury to wait out any release as of September this year.

    Don't always need the latest. If things work don't mess with it.

    Like everybody I do have a wish list of what the next iphone I buy should have.

    Usually Apple only gives you about half of what you want :-)

    Apr 24, 04:41 AM
    Bump bmp

    Sep 6, 02:58 PM
    anyone else joined Danny Wallace's country? i swear this has been such a brilliant TV series! any fans?

    just showed my sister his national anthem and they loved it!

    brilliant show, no?

    Taustin Powers
    Dec 22, 02:28 AM
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