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  • iNeko
    Mar 17, 04:20 PM
    I've got a "Cosmos Black" 3DS on preorder.

    Somehow managed to bust the cartridge slot on my XL, sadly (cartridges fall out/move around). I thought, rather than paying �140-170 for a new XL (would've had a yellow one), I'll use some left over gift vouchers, trade the XL in (as damaged, obviously), so it now works out that I'm getting a 3DS for just over �90. Can't complain :)

    I'm not too bothered about the auto-stereoscopy "3D" feature to be honest (the demo unit in Game gave me a headache after about 10 minutes anyway, thanks to my illnesses :rolleyes: ), but I do like the look of the augmented reality stuff, so I'm a little excited! Plus it means I can play Pok�mon again! :o

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  • Women Full Body Tattoos

  • iMeowbot
    Sep 25, 11:40 PM
    Those bots are too dang quick!
    I'm a bot with more bots at my beck and call� the grey goo is only a matter of time, meh meh meh.

    For fun, here (http://ttabvue.uspto.gov/ttabvue/v?qs=78459101) is a list of the parties who expect to file opposition to the Pod trademark application. They are Secure-It (http://www.secure-it.com/), Varsity Group (http://www.varsitygroup.com/), VNU Media Measurement (Nielsen/Soundscan (http://www.vnu.com/about/companyProfile/mediaMeasurement.html)), TastyBytes (http://www.tastybytessoftware.com), Podfitness (https://www.podfitness.com), and Line 6 (http://www.line6.com/).

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  • Women Angel Tattoos. For men

  • MacRumorUser
    Jul 24, 03:05 AM
    ^ nice but too expensive.

    100-150 euro more for it is a lot. Retailers are already throwing deals together such as free game, or at least cheaper game plus extra controllers.

    I got the new machine with extra black controller, Pure & Lego Batman + newly released ToyStory 3 free.

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  • side tattoos for women.

  • magikpants
    Oct 16, 04:16 PM
    seriously, I want both.


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  • Ankle Tattoo - Women Tattoos

  • THX1139
    Sep 21, 04:44 PM
    It's even more strange that all of them seemed to become louder after the update. How lucky for Apple that all the reviews mentioning the Intel-Macs' exceptional silentness had already been written by then, eh? ;-)

    No, there can't possibly be a scheme behind this, no, no... Apple would never do this!

    There has been several posts from people saying that there was no change in how loud there Mac was AFTER the update. Why would you want to spread a misperception other than to feed your paranoid conspiracy theories?

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  • cool tattoos. cool tattoos

  • myteeth
    Apr 23, 02:40 PM
    see this youtube video and you will be able to determine whether CPU affects the overall speed more than GPU. This guy compared 11" MBA(with 320M graphics) and 13" sandy bridge MBP with SSD(with Intel 3000HD graphics )


    Of course sandy bridge MBA won't use full power sandy bridge. But you will know that MBA's performance is just overpraised by SSD, not by GPU. Once other notebooks get SSD, MBA's benefit is only limited to small form factor and weight.(maybe + high resolution)

    I just don't understand people overpraising 320M on MBA, this made me to join here.


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  • mac-bitch
    Sep 25, 09:54 AM
    If you are capable of understanding German:

    www.mactechnews.de is reporting "live";) :)

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  • Tattoos For Women 2011

  • Big D 51
    Mar 25, 07:28 AM
    $3.49 gallon


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  • the decline in Women Tattoos.

  • Seasought
    Oct 26, 06:41 PM
    I'm interested in the program, but I can't use it on my Powerbook, uggghhh. Damn you Adobe!

    Great avatar! :D

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  • rlreif
    Oct 16, 09:17 PM
    picture the 80gb ipod, in its current form factor.... that slides down like the LG Chocolate does, to expose a full qwerty keyboard... sweet


    women with tattoos. So, I am one of “those women”
  • So, I am one of “those women”

  • cvaldes
    Apr 5, 09:46 AM
    I'm sorry you didn't understand me. I really am and didn't mean to insult you.

    But I didn't put a smiley because it wasn't really all that sarcastic. It was a pretty straighforward comment about how Macrumors posters are temperamental and sometimes hypocritical.
    Okay, now I get it.

    You're right! The quality of MacRumors forum commentary rivals the quality of the Consumer Reports reviews.


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  • lucifiel
    Nov 17, 09:36 PM
    That $130k will all go to the lawyers, even if he is able to establish that he has a legal "right" to sell those parts, and I think that'll be a challenge.

    Shame the teenager isn't in Australia or England where the loser pays the winner's legal costs.


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  • Women Back Tribal Tattoos

  • polyesterlester
    Mar 12, 02:59 PM
    I really don't understand the point of these maps. Is the idea, "If you want a better chance to get a cap, drive to one of these states"? At least this one's attractive.

    women with tattoos. The places most women want to
  • The places most women want to

  • MattSepeta
    Apr 12, 02:21 PM
    By the end of this year I will have paid the final payment on my loans... I can't believe it's been 15 years! Worst investment I ever made.

    Seriously, one of the most eye-opening things when I entered college was learning that I did *not* possess a liberal, open-minded view of race relations. I grew up in a white neighborhood, with nice liberal white teachers, always telling us how we are all equal. I always admired Martin Luther King, Jr.'s speeches when I heard them.

    I thought that was the prevailing view until I got to college. I was so naive I wanted to run up to the first black guy I saw, give him a hug, and tell him I understand. Ha, not really, but you know what I mean. Guilty white liberal kid. I was stunned by the violent reaction I got before I'd ever opened my mouth.

    Wow. The whole thing was just turned on its head. Nobody talked about true equality as a goal - it was all about power, grievance, reparations... and everything I learned just sounded shockingly racist. I was told that was just how whites see things. Rookie mistake!

    After I had to write a paper on "Myth America- How The American Dream has been and always will be a Myth" I conveniently forgot to sign up for the next semester's classes.


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  • side tattoos for women.

  • nicroma
    Mar 26, 06:55 PM
    Who honestly cares? Lame. I saw a black guy and a mexican guy chatting outside a bookstore yesterday. Let's focus on that.

    I wonder if the mexican was getting info to write his "ese"? :p

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  • OneMike
    Mar 23, 03:40 PM
    possible but I don't really know if I believe this.


    women with tattoos. Tattoos For Women
  • Tattoos For Women

  • Salty Pirate
    Apr 25, 10:07 AM
    A 15" air would be SICK:eek:

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  • Women Star Tattoos

  • alm99
    Mar 24, 03:32 PM
    None of the stores around me (10+ stores) have the 16gb in stock. Any of you considering the 32GB for $399?

    Thinking about it, but its $50 more than I can get my wife to spend over the $349 refurb 16gig from Apple.com

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  • Flowers tattoos

  • HobeSoundDarryl
    Mar 23, 01:15 PM
    If the goal of Apple software is to sell Apple hardware, wouldn't it make more sense to give the airplay licenses away rather than trying to sell them?

    Sep 25, 10:16 AM
    Some coverage here: http://loop.worldofapple.com/archives/2006/09/25/apple-special-event-live-coverage/

    Compile 'em all
    Jan 6, 03:34 PM
    Push Notifications are when your phone automatically checks for updates, alerts etc. without you having to open the app right? I guess it's just misleading to me because when I hear "push" notifications, I think of something that happens when I push the app or open it up.

    Thanks for the fast response!

    What you are explaining is pull, not push.

    In push, the phone keeps one connection alive to Apple. When Apple receives data for your phone, it will push it to your phone through this connection. The phone doesn't "check" anything.

    Mar 11, 06:59 AM
    Any news from willow bend?

    Kid Red
    Nov 14, 09:51 AM
    As long as the Zune can't connect to it then is really a great idea. Stick it to M$!! Regardless, nice to see Apple expanding the reach and impact of the iPod.

    So it is a dock connector? Just scanned the article.

    Feb 18, 08:13 PM
    Very skillful in how Jobs face and legs are hidden. Im beginning to think the newspapers are right about his condition.

    Also, pretty tasteless to dress the way he does. I'm not a fan of Obama, but if I were to meet him and sit next to him for dinner, I would respect the office enough not no dress in freakin' turtle neck.

    Jobs has ZERO class, none.

    Lack of class? You mean like a member of Congress screaming "you lie" at POTUS. I think Joe Wilson was wearing a tie and it certainly didn't impart any "class".


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